Monday, September 22, 2008

Drama Rama

So I must say...this weekend was HELL. I believe I have lost my bestie. No joke. Because she wouldn't leave my sisters new crush alone and I stood up for my sister. I've also heard that she's angry with me because I dissed her make-up at Sheetz. Wow...I mean...seriously? It WAS horrible though...not gonna lie. I wanted to take a tube of red lipstick and draw a fake smile on her face. Her eye make-up was already half way to clownville. Oh win some you lose some. And for me it's just another loss along the way. Nothing new there. Though we were like sisters and I did SO much for her. Risking getting in trouble so many times just so she could have boys over. Yeah...I was dumb.
Now...who else thinks that someone should just forget their ex and be done with it. Stop holding a grudge and ignore them. It's A LOT easier than getting pissed every time you see them or hear about them. I have a friend who wont let go. It's just holding her back and causing her to get angry at nothing at all. Some of us remain friends with the people our other friends have dated. Big deal. Not like we are trying to get in their pants. People should realize that there's an unwritten rule against dating your friends ex's. Even with permission. It's just not right and just imagine how awkward it would be. I know I wouldn't want to get involved in that.
To add onto all this drama going on around me we are moving. I know I've said this a few times before in my blog but this time it's a major factor. My parents are stressing about getting everything moved in as soon as they can and getting settled. My sister is blasting her music upstairs and ignoring getting her room clean. My little brother is running around with all of his toys making the house an even bigger mess than before. Our dogs...well they just lay in the middle of everything making everyone trip. Can you say our own little Tasmanian Devil?
It's no fun. Not having Interent access or cable TV or video games. I'm a MAJOR fan of gaming and the Internet. Without it I get kinda lost. Maybe that's a bad thing but I'll worry about that when the time comes. Which reminds me I have to go get my laptop fixed today. I should probably get all of my stuff off of it too...since I might not get it back for awhile. The charger port has to be fixed and the entire basic software system replaced. I say it'll take upwards of two weeks. So here I sit in the Guidance Office in my school typing up a blog about everything going on that is bothering me. Can you see the freakin irony here? Well I've gotta jet. I have some passes to run.
-Sammi G-

1 comment:

Katie said...

She only gets so upset because he was her first in a lot of ways and was completely screwed over.

That and, he hates all of us. He talks nothing but shit about us. She doesn't see how we can know that and still be friends. He says were mall goths and that we lie to her all the time and she shouldn't listen to us, and many other bad things. Thats why, really.